Bio Mijke

Mijke is a multidimensional energy healer, channel and medium. As a Certified Medical Intuitive, Akashic Records reader, Emotion Code practitioner and professional Aura reader, she has a unique and customized approach to help her clients. The messages that channel through her tend to guide the healing in a way that best supports the client to break through their blockages and get clarity on their life’s purpose. She assists clients in areas such as dissolving limiting beliefs and stuck patterns, desire for change, transmuting fear and coping with grief and loss.

Mijke connects to a Cosmic energy field to facilitate ascension by working with a special high speed healing frequency and light language. She works on multiple dimensions, connects to the Crystalline energy of the earth and shares light language messages as needed. Mijke has had an extensive career as a professional coach and manager and is an expert in what drives and motivates people. Mijke also loves to work with animals to aid them in their healing and to share messages with their families.

Mijke is a ‘catalyst to change and enhancement of your live’


Thank you so much! My feet and head felt so wonderful by the end of the day. What a huge improvement. I'm learning so much from you, I feel so blessed to have you as my teacher 😘. I love that I can work on some of the things we talked about today and it can help to heal my sisters and my mother. I love this work. 🧡 J.J. June 2024 

Words  fail me to thank you for a powerful session. It was really nice being in your company again. You answer, clarify, and help me find ways to pursue my life mission in a way that was never explained quite so clearly. M.N. May 2024

 I wish to extend my appreciation and gratitude to Mijke, who helped me so much. Knowing and using her service for more than 2 years, I was always more than 100 % satisfied. She has been working with many members of my family and the result was always astonishing. Recently, I had an extreme situation in my family, when four members of my close family suffered from serious medical issues. Mijke, although she was abroad, gave full attention to my private request and all cases were sorted, resolved, and uplifted. I highly recommend her service, you will never be disappointed.  🙏 Z.M. April 2024

 I just have to shout out a huge THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! I was just hoping around my room and realized I could march my feet and then I could run around the room. I haven't been able to run for many, many years. It's amazing!!! You’re amazing. Thank you so much for all you give. ❤️ J.J. February 2024

 I can’t speak high enough about Mijke! She’s amazing, compassionate and knows her stuff!! Simply amazing!! N.L. March, 2023

Thank you so very much for such an amazing session.  I have never felt such a powerful shift as I did while you were working with me! K.K. February, 2023

Today my son told me that they repeated his analysis and the results are all good. Before our session they wanted him to make an appointment for a colonoscopy and assumed he was really sick. So I wanted to share my joy with you. What a blessing it is to hear that he is ok ❤️ I.S. February, 2023

Thank you! Thank you, thank you Mijke!! I feel full of soft, flowing moving energy! What a magical, miraculous thing you do! I'll be back and I will send my friends to you. Love and gratitude! L.E. February, 2023

I am still feeling the energies moving...yay!  And wanted to let you know that I just got the biopsy news and all was NEGATIVE!!!! I am doing a happy dance! I also wanted to let you know that I have been writing up a business offer and haven't resonated with it...too serious, heavy.  However, after your session the playful, light NON-pushy sales words starting flowing easily.  I know whatever you cleared is making a shift already! So with much gratitude, I say thank you and I look forward to working with you again!! K.L. February, 2023

Mijke is an exceptionally gifted and loving healer. She quickly got to the root cause of my lifetime digestive issues being from a past life dissipating my life force. Once cleared, I could feel vibrancy returning to my abdomen, which had always felt so cold, dark and disconnected from the rest of me. Mijke also cleared negative energies for me, and I immediately felt my outlook on life brightening, as well as an opening of my crown to allow more flow and connection with the infinite love my soul remembers. What a truly remarkable session! I'm so grateful! Thank you! S.L. December 2023

Cosmic Quantum Healing was a no brainer for me! I feel much lighter than I did prior to the healing session with Mijke and I feel in alignment energetically, don't miss the opportunity of a lifetime to feel better in your body, it's a terrific experience.  Mijke is a breath of fresh air, she's beyond gifted and she listens to help, thank you Mijke! C.W. December 2023

After only 1 session with you my creativity overflows and it is finally combined with purpose and clarity. I feel like I'm on a new threshold, beginning to bloom. Even " Action" which I was blocking, improved slightly. Today I feel almost like a new person, even my eyesight is a bit better. N.S. October 2022

It was my pleasure and honour to have a healing session with you! Thank you for your guidance, support and insight. You are an extraordinary healer, with a very unique and beautiful soul!! I am so grateful! Z.B. August, 2022

I am so grateful to you for the healing time with you and the information which give me so much awareness. I am grateful. Blessings! H.B. July, 2022

Thank you so much, Mijke. I really resonated with your gifting today and will be reaching out in the future. A.C. June, 2022

I can certainly say this - Mijke is a wonderful, caring person who has extensive knowledge of the chakras and can help bring balance to challenges you may be facing. Her kindness shines through all her work. She is able to accurately pinpoint the sources of misalignment to clear and facilitate healing. I would not hesitate to receive a session with her. 💗 A.K. June 2022

 I’m actually feeling a-lot of love energy in my heart since she just worked on me.. and it’s only been a little bit of time 💝 S.L. June 2022

I am very happy with the weekly sessions I had with Mijke. She helped strengthen my energy system during my cancer treatments. She knows what she is talking about and is very good in translating results to your personal circumstances, which enables you to move forward. She works very diligently, is emphatic and trustworthy. But above all Mijke has a warm personality and a great sense of humor. You really work together with her which is very fulfilling. C.L. March 2022

Mijke healed me while I was recovering from Covid-19. While working on me she encountered various energy blocks which she cleared. After the healing I felt grounded, solid and warm. I suffered from a left foot injury (which I didn’t mention by the way) and in the feedback Mijke told me she encountered a blockage on my right side which she cleared. After the healing I could stand on my left foot again. I am grateful for her help and her respectful and supportive healing! Thanks Mijke! E.H. January 2022

 The past seven months, I have been feeling low on energy and not in touch with my feelings at all. I was feeling numb and not able to feel joy or grief. Since Mijke helped me, it has felt as if a gigantic weight has fallen off of me. Last night, when with friends, I have laughed so hard, I cried. I couldn’t remember the last time that happened. I am so grateful she took the time to help me feel so much better. I recommend everybody to do a session with her! She is calm, kind and very emphatic. It is so easy to feel a connection with her, due to her ability to tune in on your energy and the various techniques she uses in a session. For ever grateful! S.H. January 2022

With great loving care and attention I received a healing from Mijke. She did not know anything about me or my background but nevertheless noticed what caused my energy to leak away. She re-empowered me and put me in the light again. Thanks to the healing I came home to myself and my energy started flowing again. I love it that I feel it bubbling again. Now I only have to be careful not to go forward too fast. Thank you dear Mijke! K.L.February 2022

Mijke healed me remotely. I had enormous energetic problems, had no more than 20% of my normal energy and couldn't do my work or any daily things. Mijke cleared my chakra's and Hara line. The next morning I woke up as if my energy problems didn't exist anymore. The funny thing was that I normally use my reading glasses to make my breakfast and that I forgot to put them. It was only later that I realized that I was doing without them. Even my sight was clearer than before, wow! Mijke is authentic, focused and caring. D.W. October 2021